Saturday, October 18, 2008

Train from Xi'an

The overnight train was not at all bad....not entirely comfy but certainly better than a plane. The four of us (Zinta, Julie, Roxanne and me) were bunked together. Julie and I were on the top bunks (if you can believe it.) The childhood practice on the monkey bars was an invaluable aid.

We arrived in Beijing at 6:20 a.m. and were whisked onto a bus and off to breakfast. Thank goodness for my beloved caffeine. We visited Tiannamen Square and the Forbidden City after breakfast. We were ready for a break after the crowds and a particularly tight fit in a passageway (think camel through the eye of a needle) with lots of pushing and shoving.

We checked into the hotel later that afternoon and went for a 20 dumpling dinner and a performance of Tang dancers and musicians. The dumplings and the entertainment were equally delightful. I developed a fancy for a walnut dumpling that reminded me of kalockies (the great Christmas cookie production number.)

Yesterday we went to the Great Wall (some of us climbed farther than others) and the Summer Palace. Today, I've opted to hang out a little before our very long and very daunting flight. We will be home soon!

By the way, Jim has been posting regularly as well. His posts are in the comments section of his initial post. He is quite the adventurer--I'd check them out.

1 comment:

Michelle - Reference and Reader Services said...

Susan, I've enjoyed reading your blog entries. The trip sounds fascinating. We can't wait to see all of your pictures and hear more stories! - Michelle @ PPLD